Sultanlar aşkına





For Sultan’s Sake

All the story starts like a fairy tale
Ages got old in Constantinapole
Which is the city of finished loves
A light is on and never put out

He dreams in his room alone
He asks his heart who he is in this world
He looks for the eternity in the blue waters
Stars in the sky shines for his this purpose

For sultan’s sake,wounded years
The song of castle walls,silent waves
Again waiting, loves and disappointed dreams
Castles are surrendered by the wind

This was a belief from the holy book
A mission left by the ancestors
Moon rises ,and shines again
Although the time is gone for constantinapole

Sultanlar aşkına

Bir masal gibi başlar hikaye
Çağlar eskimiş konstantinapolde
Bitmiş aşkların sessiz şehrinde
Bir kandil yanar sönmez gecelerce

Hayaller kurar yalnız odasında
Kalbine sorar kimsin bu cihanda
Sonsuzu arar masmavi sularda
Gökte yıldızlar parlar bu uğurda

Sultanlar aşkına dilfigar yıllar
Surların şarkısı suskun dalgalar
Bekliyor yine aşklar küsmüş rüyalar
Rüzgarın ruhuna teslim hisarlar

Bir inançtı bu kudret kitabında
Bir görev bilir kalmış atalardan
Ay doğar yine parlar üzerinde
Solsa da zaman konstantinapolde.

[σημείωση: ευχαριστώ πολύ το Mert, ένα φίλο από Τουρκία, για τους στίχους και τη μετάφρασή τους]